Schools and Education
Home to the first municipal college in America — the College of Charleston - South Carolina offers a variety of education-related historic sites, including the Historic Myrtle Beach Colored School, which served the local African American community during the era of segregation, and Bennettsville Female Academy, a women's finishing school established in Marlboro County in 1830.
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1257 South Fourth Street, Hartsville, SC 29550, 843-383-3005 [View Map]
The agricultural innovations that became a hallmark of the New South in the 19th and 20th centuries are celebrated in this agri-museum. The Coker Experimental Farms National Historic Landmark preserves the scientific achievements of Major John Lide Coker of Hartsville, his son David R. Coker, and the family firm - the Coker Pedigreed Seed Company.
Mechanicsville, SC 29540
A 2,725-acre preserve and wildlife area, the Great Pee Dee River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area preserves a seven-mile stretch of the historic Great Pee Dee River in its natural state. It is managed by the S.C. Department of Natural Resources.
U.S. 301/76 at Wallace Woods Road, Florence, SC [View Map]
Located at U.S. 301/76 at Wallace Woods Road on the campus of Francis Marion University, the Hewn-Timber Cabins consist of two slave cabins from a 19th century cotton plantation located on the site of Francis Marion University. The cabins were constructed by slave craftsmen about 1836, feature displays and artifacts, and are open to the public.
900 Dunbar Street, Myrtle Beach, SC [View Map]
Located at 900 Dunbar Street in Myrtle Beach, the Historic Myrtle Beach Colored School Museum and Education Center preserves an all-black public school from the Era of Segregation. The Myrtle Beach Colored School was established in 1932. Its classroom setting is restored at this site which is used today as an education center.
1624 West Carolina Avenue, Hartsville, SC 29550, 843-383-8145/Fax 843-383-8149 [View Map]
30 acres of cultivated gardens and a historic, early 19th century home, Kalmia Gardens and the Thomas Hart House are located on the campus of Coker College in Hartsville.
101 Wilcox Avenue, Marion, SC 29571, 843-423-8299 [View Map]
The Marion County Museum, housed in a late 19th century schoolhouse, features exhibits and displays related to the history of Marion County.
Summerton Town Hall, 10 Main Street, Summerton, SC 29148, 803-485-2525 [View Map]
Summerton is the source of Briggs v. Elliott (Court citation:347 US 483). Briggs was the first filed of the four cases combined into Brown v. Board of Education, the famous case in which the U.S. Supreme Court, in 1954, officially overturned racial segregation in U.S. public schools.